On Books and Publishing Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

My Accent

Update, September 23, 2024: J.D Vance recently mocked Kamala Harris for deploying what he called a “fake” accent. This echoes Trump’s claim that Harris is faking her identity. Liberals everywhere are, rightly, pushing back against this kind of essentialism and racism, but as my essay below points out, the “left” is hardly impervious to identity policing. In my many years in left/radical organising, I, along with several others, have experienced pushback and mockery for not being properly Other enough. I’ll have a longer piece up soon-ish, about how the left polices identity, and my book in progress is partly an examination of this problem. But for now, enjoy this, from 2021. It’s also worth noting that I have since written about some of the events mentioned here, in “What Really Happened at Current Affairs?

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Feminism On Books and Publishing

“Cat Person” Will Never Die

Excerpt: Sometimes you create a monster and are proud of the havoc it wreaks upon the world.  Sometimes you create a monster and watch it do its thing and then realise that it has just turned around and is about to devour you. 

Capitalism, Class, Inequality On Books and Publishing

The Publishing World Is Like Fyre Fest

Excerpt: It’s a lifestyle many writers yearn for: unhurried, complacent, lots of manufactured insouciance, and lots of money to write about it all. 

On Books and Publishing

Buy That Book!

Feminism On Books and Publishing

On Jane Austen’s Frederic and Elfrida

As if marital forms and not marriage itself were the problem

On Books and Publishing Yasmin's Media Appearances

My “The Politics of Publishing” Is Out in Current Affairs

Fixing the publishing industry will require eliminating exploitation, not just improving representation.

Capitalism, Class, Inequality On Books and Publishing Yasmin's Media Appearances

I was on the Current Affairs Podcast, Talking about Publishing

Animals On Books and Publishing Yasmin's Media Appearances

A “Min-terview” with Current Affairs, Where I Am Confronted about My Kitten-Eating Habits and I Also Take on the World of Publishing

A great book is like the memory of an excellent conversation: it lasts and returns in intangible ways for years and shifts your thinking. 

Capitalism, Class, Inequality On Books and Publishing Queer Politics, Culture, and History

Should I Stay or Should I Go?: Review of Gay Inc

The nonprofit world runs on the fumes of exhaustion, desperate hope, and a general sense of futility exuded by its denizens.

Image result for industrial smoke
Capitalism, Class, Inequality Feminism Gay Marriage On Books and Publishing Queer Politics, Culture, and History Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

Polyamory Is Gay Marriage for Straight People

Excerpt: The problem with relationships is not that individuals engage in them in particular ways, but that systems compel individuals to relate to each other in particular ways.