
Death Is Your Gift: A Midsummer Update

I’ve gone through more life-changing experiences in the course of a few months than most experience in a few years, and I think that’s so true.  At the same time, my life is also not that different from the millions of others who operate in an economy that now defines us as the “precariat.” 


Hammers and Nails and Cats, Oh My!

On Books and Publishing Updates

The Mother of All Updates


If I Cannot Snark At Your Revolution

I’m seeing a lot of pompous windbags on the purported left complain about how some of are just too “ultraleft.”   


Weekly Roundup: November 11, 2015

Gay Marriage Hate Crime Legislation Prison industrial complex Queer Politics, Culture, and History

HRC, Drones, and Space Aliens

Excerpt: It’s hard to not admire HRC in the same way: Like the Alien, it’s a perfect beast, unclouded by liberal or left delusions about parity or justice.  

Queer Politics, Culture, and History Reporting

Queer: What is it good for? Language and the LGBT movement

The word “queer” has been around since the 16th century and at first meant simply something out of order, mis-aligned, with occasional references to mental disorders. Over the years, it gradually took on a term of abuse directed at those considered sexually deviant.

On Books and Publishing

Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore’s So Many Ways to Sleep Badly

“Zan says he’s moving to New York, a vortex opened up after 9-11 and people finally treat each other well, all these amazing things are happening.  Is she doing drugs?”

On Books and Publishing

So Many Ways to Sleep Badly author here

Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore was recently in Chicago as part of a book tour for her latest novel, So Many Ways to Sleep Badly.  The book is about life and politics in San Francisco as seen through the eyes of a radical queer activist.  Sycamore was recently named one of Utne Reader’s “50 Visionaries Who Are Changing Your World.”  Her previous work includes the anthology Nobody Passes: Rejecting the Rules of Gender and Conformity and the novel Pulling Taffy.

Chicago Chronicles Queer Politics, Culture, and History Reporting

Panelists discuss “Stonewall and Beyond”

The 40th anniversary of Stonewall falls on June 28 this year, the same date of the original riot in 1969.  Since Stonewall, the LGBTQ community has seen the formation of the Gay Liberation Front in the 1970s, the AIDS crisis in the 1980s and the rise of the same-sex-marriage movement in the late 1990s and […]