Chicago Chronicles Queer Politics, Culture, and History Reporting

Blagojevich and gay politics

Illinois voters were stunned this past week by the news of Governor Rod Blagojevich being arrested on corruption charges.  Along with his chief of staff John Harris, who has since resigned, Blagojevich was charged with, among other allegations, holding out President-elect Barack Obama’s soon-to-be-vacant Senate seat for a “pay-for-play” deal.  The two men were both […]

Capitalism, Class, Inequality Gay Marriage Politics Queer Politics, Culture, and History

American Gay: Pete Buttigieg and the Politics of Forgetting

Excerpt: The problem with Pete Buttigieg is not that he is homonormative or assimilationist, but that he represents a new will to forgetfulness on the part of the United States, a will embedded in a desire to recreate not just this country but the world in the cast of a new, gayer imperialism.

Capitalism, Class, Inequality Gay Marriage Pandemic Politics Queer Politics, Culture, and History Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

Gay Marriage Ruined Everything

Chicago Chronicles Gay Marriage Queer Politics, Culture, and History Reporting

“Forget Stonewall,” in The Gay and Lesbian Review

The point in forgetting Stonewall is to hold on to the much more difficult task of thinking about “event-ness” and history in more complicated ways.


Polyamory, Gay Nonprofits, Cindy McCain, Mary Poppins, and More: Update, February 22

Capitalism, Class, Inequality Feminism Gay Marriage On Books and Publishing Queer Politics, Culture, and History Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

Polyamory Is Gay Marriage for Straight People

Excerpt: The problem with relationships is not that individuals engage in them in particular ways, but that systems compel individuals to relate to each other in particular ways.

Academia Queer Politics, Culture, and History Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

From Queer To Gay: The Rise and Fall of Milo

Excerpt: What brought Milo down was not his queerness, which had always been flamboyantly on display and fetishised by the Right and the Left, but that he became, with the few short seconds of a video clip, irrevocably gay.

Capitalism, Class, Inequality On Books and Publishing Queer Politics, Culture, and History Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

Whose Gay History?: Review of Queer Clout

 Segregation in this city is not some genteel agreement between the races and ethnicities to quietly live away from each other. 

Gay Marriage Queer Politics, Culture, and History

The Secret History of Gay Marriage

Excerpt: When the secret history of gay marriage is finally written, it will reveal that gay marriage was foisted upon a community with few resources, held hostage by a wealthy few.

Gay Marriage Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

The Gay Marriage Campaign Shamelessly Exploits Martin Luther King

As gay marriage becomes legal everywhere in the United States, marriage activists will eventually drop their pretenses at being inclusive.