Updates Yasmin's Media Appearances

Update: April 8, 2020

Queer Politics, Culture, and History Updates Yasmin's Media Appearances

The Charley Shively Prize in Gay Liberation and Activism

 I’m pleased to announce that I’m the recepient of this year’s Charley Shively Prize in Gay Liberation and Activism.

Henri Fantin-Latour | Roses and Lilies | The Met


“What are you doing?  What are you doing? What are you doing here?” 

Animals Updates


“he was a good friend, and a good friend gone still is.”


New Website!

Image result for lewis carroll illustrations white rabbit

This is the brand-new website! There are still some things to sort through, and still dozens of reports and pieces from the archive to be uploaded, but a good chunk of my work — over 500 pieces or appearances — is now available for reading, viewing, or listening. If you’d like to get regular updates on my writing as well as new material that gets uploaded here, please contact me here.If you’re new to me and my work, you can find out more at my About page. And this, “Forty Pieces: A Sampling of My Work,” takes you to some of my representative writing and some of the interviews I’ve done.

Starting April 7, you can expect a new update post nearly every Tuesday week telling you what’s new on this site and in my life and work. I’ll be writing a chronicle of the pandemic over the next many weeks or months, as long as it lasts. Let’s all hope it’s not years.

This site has been generously and kindly and diligently set up for me by Pink Frankenstein; I cannot thank him enough for what amounts to a whole new abode on the web. He’s the architect, carefully making sure there are no leaks in the roof, that the plumbing is all in shape, and that the lights will stay on! I’m simply the one who moves in with ease, placing my cushions and artwork here and there. If you would like to engage him as a consultant for your own website, please contact him directly.

If you have any questions, or if you see some problems here, please let me know.

Updates Yasmin's Media Appearances

Forty Pieces: A Sampling of My Work

People and Places to Support

People and Places to Support, 2019

Flower Art by Hiroshige

I’m often asked, “What are the publications and organizations and people you support?” So, in response, I’ve made up this set of lists, which I’ll add to as time goes on.

Film, Art, Television, and Media Queer Politics, Culture, and History Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

Anal Sex and Its Discontents: Emma Sulkowicz, Lawrence v. Texas, and the Histories of a Sex Act

Excerpt: It’s not that anal sex disrupts capitalism… but that it symbolises the dichotomy between public and private which also characterises the accumulation of capital.

Feminism Film, Art, Television, and Media Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

Adopting Difference: Race, Sex, and the Archaeology of Power in the Farrow-Allen Case

Taking all these intertwining histories into account reveals an archaeology of power. This is not just a history of Farrow’s life, but a cultural history of the link between celebrity, adoption, and the idealisation of the nation-state.

Originally published May 3, 2014

British Painting - British 19th Century, Portrait Of An Unknown Family by Quint Lox
Chicago Chronicles

Chicago Freedom School and Moments of Justice, 2019

There are very, very few organisations I truly support and Chicago Freedom School, an organisation devoted to nurturing and creating youth-led social justice and education, is one of them. Please read this and support them as they ready for their annual Moments of Justice event.