
Daily Posts for Thanksgiving Week

I’m taking a break this week to put various kinds of houses in order, including my literal one.

If you follow me on Facebook or Twitter, you’ll know that I post an item from my archive of work every morning (or, you’ve seen me use the words “Today’s DP is…” and thought, ‘What the hell is a DP??’ and read on anyway). 

I’m taking a break this week to put various kinds of houses in order, including my literal one. So here’s a recap of DPs from this past week or so, and a couple of newish ones. 

To begin with, here’s my latest this week, “Sad,” in the Pandemic series. It’s very short, especially for me, and I’m quite fond of it.  I’ve been angry a lot, about the pandemic but I also knew I needed to feel something else. 

As always, here’s my “A Manifesto,” in EvergreenReview.  I post this quite often and it literally changed my life in the writing, and I still can’t get over the fact that I’m in EVERGREEN REVIEW!

Here’s a piece I wrote last week, “On Mary Wollstonecraft and Public/Pubic Art,” on that strange statue commemorating Mary Wollstonecraft, or something (the artist is clear that it’s not a statue of her…you figure it out). 

Here’s a piece on Pete Buttigieg, “American Gay: Pete Buttigieg and the Politics of Forgetting,” given how much his name is swirling in the news, which also answers the question: what if we did have a gay, black, etc. mayor? Would that really make a difference?  If you know me, you know the answer. 

Here’s another one of my favourites, “Her Name Was Norma,” about Norma McCorvey, the woman at the centre of the Roe v. Wade case, who was abandoned by feminists, queers, and feminist queers.  I’m writing a follow up to this. 

And I’ll repeat, my Manifesto, which you absolutely must read. 

And if you want to know all about me, here’s my “About” section on my website. 

Image: Henri Rousseau, The Dream, 1910.