Feminism Film, Art, Television, and Media

On That Game of Thrones Finale

It’s like hooking up with an ex who is only bound to disappoint.

Image result for medieval images of dragons

This is a preliminary and short take on what happened last night.  Watch this space for more. You can also follow me on Facebook and Twitter for occasional remarks as I work on the larger piece.

I love puzzles and where many people will only do them once, I’m happy to take up one over and over again because there are different pleasures to be had each time, a new thrill over a corner or a piece of a blossom found and put in place. The same is true for me about television shows — I’ve watched every episode of Fraiser over and over, I’ve watched Santa Claritia Diet all the way through at least six times, and every few years, I’ll watch all of Buffy from start to finish.  If a puzzle or a show literally and metaphorically maintains its integrity, and has worked on following through on its own logic, it’s always worth watching (okay, I’ll admit to being a tad peeved at the Frasier finale but the rest of it, being largely stand-alone episodes, is so damn good).

I don’t feel this way about Game of Thrones.  I feel wrenched and angry and I’m not sure I can watch it again knowing what I know now.  It’s like hooking up with an ex who is only bound to disappoint.

Image: “Dragon kisses,” Chantilly, Musée Condé

Don’t plagiarise any of this, in any way.  Read and memorise “On Plagiarism.” There’s more forthcoming, as I point out in “The Plagiarism Papers.” I have used legal resources to punish and prevent plagiarism, and I am ruthless and persistent. If you’d like to support me, please donate and/or subscribe, or get me something from my wish list. Thank you.