I grew weary of all the anti-intellectualism around education, so prevalent even among some leftists who are calling for an end to academia. Here’s a really short version of a “graduation speech” of sorts.
People are graduating—from high school, from college, from grad school, whatever. Kindergarten, even (I think, I assume—it’s been a while and I haven’t kept up with every trend in education, but it seems like everything is a milestone now, and everything requires parents to rearrange their schedules and show up).
In the midst of a bad economy, it’s important to remember that “good economies” are the anomalies and always have been such in human history. No matter what you’re graduating with and from, everything you have done so far is and was worth it. There is no useless knowledge, and the world will make space for you and you will make it make space for you, even if you sometimes have to tap a window open or kick a door down. And if you know someone about to graduate with a degree in Pure Thought and Nothing Else, be sure to congratulate them and feel their joy because what they do matters. If you know someone graduating with a degree in Making Things of Meaning to the World, congratulate them and feel their joy because what they do matters. What matters most is that they have taken the time to learn, and learning is no small feat and it always requires celebration with cake and balloons.
And hats, lots of weird hats.
Don’t plagiarise any of this, in any way. I have used legal resources to punish and prevent plagiarism, and I am ruthless and persistent. I make a point of citing people and publications all the time: it’s not that hard to mention me in your work, and to refuse to do so and simply assimilate my work is plagiarism. You don’t have to agree with me to cite me properly; be an ethical grownup, and don’t make excuses for your plagiarism. Read and memorise “On Plagiarism.” There’s more forthcoming, as I point out in “The Plagiarism Papers.” If you’d like to support me, please donate and/or subscribe, or get me something from my wish list. Thank you.

Image: “The Girl at the Desk,” Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin, 1934