
Daily Posts: July 10-14

Every weekday, I post–on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram–an essay from my archive, along with new work published that week. I realised it might make sense to compile these links at the end of every week, so that readers who missed them at the time can catch up. Here’s the first in this series.

You’re welcome to follow me on any of the above-mentioned social media platforms, but please note that I’m no longer accepting new friend requests on FB, unless I’ve met you and know you personally. You can, however, still follow me there without us directly “friending” each other.

The week’s NEW essay is, “On Leaving Twitter, or Not.”

On Prey and the Burden of Indigenous Representation.”

What Really Happened At Current Affairs?

AOC and the Weaponisation of Trauma.

On Titan, Migrants, and Mourning.

My interview with Mtume Gant, about what “Indie” means these days (and what it doesn’t mean): “Indie No More.” I always learn something new from Mtume during our conversations, and I encourage you to follow and support him–he’s a rare and necessarily bold voice in all the conversations about filmmaking in particular and creative work in general.

On Abortion Stories.

And, as always, if you’d like to know more about my work, start here: “A Manifesto.” For more, just peruse this website, using the search box (I’m still uploading older work).

If you’d like to support me to ensure that I keep producing work that’s truly independent, isn’t concerned with “hot takes,” and that takes actual real intellectual risks, you can support me in a number of ways.

Happy weekend. Let’s all be like these ducks.

Photo: Yasmin Nair, “Lush.”