Animals On Books and Publishing Yasmin's Media Appearances

A “Min-terview” with Current Affairs, Where I Am Confronted about My Kitten-Eating Habits and I Also Take on the World of Publishing

A great book is like the memory of an excellent conversation: it lasts and returns in intangible ways for years and shifts your thinking. 

Capitalism, Class, Inequality Film, Art, Television, and Media Labour Yasmin's Media Appearances

Nostalgia Trap Episode, “No Place Like Home.”

Film, Art, Television, and Media Yasmin's Media Appearances

Nostalgia Trap Episode, “Seduce and Destroy,” on Tom Cruise

“From his illegible sexuality to his leadership position within a massively powerful alien apocalypse cult, Cruise’s public and private presence reveals layers of insight into the ways that wealth, power, and desire intersect.”

Animals Capitalism, Class, Inequality Film, Art, Television, and Media Prison industrial complex Updates Yasmin's Media Appearances

Aping Revolution: Nostalgia Trap Episode on Rise of the Planet of the Apes

All that and James Franco!

Updates Yasmin's Media Appearances

Update: April 8, 2020

Queer Politics, Culture, and History Updates Yasmin's Media Appearances

The Charley Shively Prize in Gay Liberation and Activism

 I’m pleased to announce that I’m the recepient of this year’s Charley Shively Prize in Gay Liberation and Activism.

Henri Fantin-Latour | Roses and Lilies | The Met
Updates Yasmin's Media Appearances

Forty Pieces: A Sampling of My Work

Updates Yasmin's Media Appearances

Current Affairs Podcast: Trauma, Diversity, Comedy and the Non-profit Industrial Complex

Yasmin's Media Appearances

My Radio Appearance on the Divisive Show, Talking about the Problems with Love in Social Justice and Art

Yasmin's Media Appearances

Some Interviews and Pieces about My Views on Orlando