Excerpt: The problem with relationships is not that individuals engage in them in particular ways, but that systems compel individuals to relate to each other in particular ways.
Excerpt: She wilfully erases the economic and political conditions they live in and weaponises their lives in the interest of a global nostalgia that has no basis in reality.
Excerpt: Nanette assures viewers, especially straight ones, that queers and women can and must be understood and assimilated by first understanding us as uniquely and literally broken and bashed in.
All the white ladies, from Hillary Clinton to Diane English to Candice Bergen and the fictional Murphy Brown, living in a past only they recall fondly and refusing to confront the realities of the present.
BothVariety and the Times describe Weisz’s character as a “femme fatale,” even though there’s no hint that she enters her various lives by feminine wiles.