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Bourgeois Feminist Bullshit: The Rebecca Traister View of Gender and the World

Single status is now no longer a blight upon the land but a set of Very Useful Functions that keep the economy running smoothly.

I published my review of Rebecca Traister’s All the Single Ladies: Unmarried Women and the Rise of an Independent Nation in Current Affairs.

An excerpt:

But what if Traister had interviewed those feminists who don’t see a separation between their economic interests and their gendered interests? What about the feminists who are single because they are resolutely against marriage? What about those who aren’t an economic benefit to everyone else, or who hate shopping? And what about those who think marriage is a terrible, rotting institution, yet eventually succumb to it because everything about American society, from healthcare to childcare to housing rights, is still organized to shut down women’s aspirations toward independence?

You can read the rest here. Contact me for a pdf if you can’t access it.