Hyde Park’s unique and increasingly deathly history as a neighbourhood that exposes the collusion between a major research university that continues to voraciously gobble up chunks of prime real estate while expelling its long-time residents.
We’re not obliged to prop up faux feminism: We can and should expect films that actually make strong feminist statements embedded in excellent writing and character development.
I think those who criticise critics of HRC for possibly enabling a Trump victory are over-invested in presidential politics and elections to the extent they don’t see how work actually needs to happen in other arenas and levels.
“But, as compelling and scandalising as her campaigning around gay marriage with Against Equality is, it is far from the only place she’s causing a stir.”
It’s that “childlike enchantment” that has become a shopworn element in Spielberg’s work, and that damn trippy, skippy music by the ubiquitous and overplayed John Williams is an incessant accompaniment to a narrative that is equally clichéd.