
Daily Posts, August 7-11

Every weekday, I post–on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram–an essay from my archive (sometimes more than one), along with new work published that week. I realised it might make sense to compile these links at the end of every week, so that readers who missed them at the time can catch up.

You’re welcome to follow me on any of these social media platforms, but please note that I’m no longer accepting new friend requests on FB, unless I’ve met you and know you personally. You can, however, still follow me there without us directly “friending” each other.

Some changes in my publishing schedule: I’ll be posting new work on Tuesday mornings. Previously, I tried Fridays and that was hell: I start every new work from scratch on my designated non-book-work day (I have three book projects I need to finish this year) and, depending on the extent of my research that can take a few or many hours. If I posted on Friday, I had to promote it over the weekend–and I try to not spend my off days in front of the computer. I tried Mondays, but I found myself working late into the evening–in which case, I might as well just post on Tuesdays.

So, Tuesdays it is, before noon CST.

Here are the DPs from this past week.

Brand new: On Lizzo and Sex and Bananas, Oh My!

Also brand new, my essay on Succession, “What Succession Teaches Us About Capitalism,” is now out on the website. This appeared in the print edition of the July 2023 issue. Do subscribe.

You can also read my previous essay on the show, about the finale, “Here Be No Monsters: On Succession and the Mobility of Capitalism.”

“Season’s Greetings, Love, and Molecules.”

What Really Happened at Current Affairs?” remains an excellent, insightful, and very funny read about that incident, yes, but also about the state of left publishing. Recent and very strange events at the 2023 DSA convention, where participants acted like kindgergartners in a sandbox re-enacting Lord of the Flies, have meant that I’m going to have to write an update. But for now, do read the original essay for context.

And, as always, if you’d like to know more about my work, start here: “A Manifesto.” For more, just peruse this website, using the search box (I’m still uploading older work).

Some sea lions took over a boat, commandeering it with all the snooty entitlement of wealthy yacht owners. More power to the animals, as they take over.

If you like my work and would like to support it, please subscribe, donate, or get me something from my wish list. I write a lot, and very, very well and I don’t do “hot takes” even when writing about current events. My perspective are not what you find anywhere else because I’m truly independent, and not just trying to echo yet another widespread opinion that will being eyeballs to my site. Thanks, in advance.

Image: “Lip,” Yasmin Nair, 2023