Gay Marriage Immigration

Gay marriage and queer immigration: Laboring over love

Queers are more than the sum of their romantic relationships.

Gay Marriage Queer Politics, Culture, and History Reporting

Citywide Pride: Forum focuses on LGBTs’ legal, financial hurdles

The law firm of Hinshaw and Culbertson, 222 N. LaSalle, hosted a presentation by Kyle D.  Young, a financial advisor at Wachovia Securities, titled “Financial and Legal Challenges for the GLBT Community.” This was part of the Citywide Pride events, which are designed to promote “advocacy and equality for LGBT employees” in the corporate workplace.  The same-sex marriage movement often raises the issue of what happens to the assets of a couple upon the demise of one partner, arguing that estate law and benefit packages favor married, opposite-sex couples; Young discussed financial strategies in this context.

Gay Marriage On Books and Publishing

Forum focuses on same-sex marriage and Catholicism [26 November, 2008]

The passage of Proposition 8 in California came about because of efforts by Christian fundamentalists and the Mormon Church.  As a result, there has been a great deal of discussion about the relationship between the gay and lesbian community and religion.  Most accounts tend to separate the two; it’s often forgotten that a significant number of gays and lesbians are also people of faith.

The Catholic Church faces a great deal of controversy in the wake of Pope Benedict’s stated opposition to homosexuality and his declaration that same-sex marriages are “pseudo-matrimony.”  On November 11, The New Ways Ministry organized “An Evening of Dialogue: Same-Sex Marriage and Catholicism.” Held at the Jewish Reconstructionist Congreation in Evanston, the event examined the theological underpinnings behind the Church’s doctrines, and the disparity between those and the lived experiences and lives of laypersons.

The evening was moderated by Francis DeBernardo, executive director of New Ways Ministry, and Matthew Myers, its associate director.  As explained by Myers, the issues of sexuality and same-sex marriage are fused as one within the Church; attitudes towards one strongly determine attitudes towards the other.

The two-hour discussion was clearly designed for Catholics who possessed an understanding of church doctrine and the Bible.  Attendees were not there to dispute their faith but to challenge and understand church doctrines.

The audience had different opinions on marriage.  One woman made it clear that she was not keen on the institution, and neither was her female partner.  On the other hand, a man believed that marriage was an important ritual to be recognized by the Church.

DeBernando and Myers discussed the major issues related to same-sex marriage, including the meaning of same-sex relationships and their effect on children.  Official church statements say that children raised in same-sex partner households live in unstable conditions.  DeBernardo pointed out that “according to the 2000 census, a quarter of same-sex couples are raising children” without any evidence of harm done to them.

DeBernardo said that for Catholics, the question was “not just about benefits but about the quality of relationships.  Catholics who support same-sex relationships tend to be the Catholics who’re concerned for society; they have respect for lesbian and gay partnerships because of the inherent dignity of them.  We want the goodness of relationships to be recognized so that all relationships can be made better.”

Originally published in Windy City Times, 26 November, 2008
Film, Art, Television, and Media Gay Marriage Hate Crime Legislation Prison industrial complex Queer Politics, Culture, and History Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality Reporting

Queers on the Run: Interview with Eric Stanley and Chris Vargas

“Radical queers haven’t yet figured out how to use film as politics; we’ve done it with performance and spoken word, but not with film. The assimilationists are winning the war because they’ve learned how to use film as propaganda by wrapping their message in the preferred discourse of civil rights.”

Gay Marriage Hate Crime Legislation Prison industrial complex Queer Politics, Culture, and History Reporting

Interview with Human Rights Campaign’s Joe Solmonese

Joe Solmonese, executive director of Human Rights Campaign (HRC) , frequently finds himself in the eye of the LGBT political storm.  In recent years, criticism of the nation’s largest gay organization has increased, whether for what many described as the betrayal over the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) or its rumored agnosticism over “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT).  The organization recently unveiled a nationwide campaign, No Excuses, which aims to empower LGBTs everywhere to talk to their members of Congress about the issues facing them.  Solmonese talked to Windy City Times over the phone about the campaign, and about a range of legislative and political issues.

Gay Marriage Queer Politics, Culture, and History

Proof: The Gay Marriage Movement Is Draining Resources from Queer Activism

If we are to use any seafaring metaphors, it might be best to describe gay marriage as the Titanic, about to hit an iceberg and take everyone down with her.

Painting of a ship sinking by the bow, with people rowing a lifeboat in the foreground and other people in the water. Icebergs are visible in the background.
Gay Marriage Queer Politics, Culture, and History

Dump Gay Marriage Now

The fight for gay marriage, in granting that institution so much importance, is slowly eroding the possibility that the rest of the population might get rights and benefits without marrying each other. 

Capitalism, Class, Inequality Gay Marriage Queer Politics, Culture, and History

Father’s Day, Queer Families, and Gay Marriage

I don’t think that monogamy is necessarily unnatural; I have several beloved queer and non-queer friends who enjoy it enough to try it over and over again. 

Image result for vintage fathers card
Gay Marriage Immigration Queer Politics, Culture, and History

UAFA (Uniting American Families Act): Facts and Fiction

Did you really think your love would be enough?

lesbians, vintage, drag king, women's history, belle epoque, erotica, love, woman, women, girls, photography, feminism, gay rights movement pride, LGBT, equality, 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930, 1940, 1950
Gay Marriage Politics Queer Politics, Culture, and History

Prop 8 is a Distraction, or: NOW can we Dump Gay Marriage as a Cause?

Why build up the power of the state to coerce people into marital relationships they don’t want just so that they can get the basics like healthcare?

Bakersfield Protest @ Stockdale Highway