Capitalism, Class, Inequality Feminism Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

Abortive Reasoning: What’s Wrong with the Reproductive Rights Debate

The tyranny of experience in abortion rights discourse has potentially disastrous consequences. 

vintage photo frightened woman from True Romance
Capitalism, Class, Inequality Politics

If You Think You’re a Nail, Everything Looks Like a Hammer

Capitalism, Class, Inequality Chicago Chronicles Labour Politics Queer Politics, Culture, and History Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

Bitches of Capitalism: My Speech on International Working Women’s Day, March 8

I was invited by the Chicago Socialist Party to speak about and on International Working Women’s Day, March 8. My thanks to all the organisers, and to the many amazing people who showed up — and stayed — through all my words and those of my co-presenters, Tobita Chow, Erica Nanton, Red Schulte, Zerlina Smith, and Rehmah Sufi.* You can watch a video here; below is the text of the speech.

Capitalism, Class, Inequality Labour Politics

Saints Alive!: The Left Wags Its Finger, And Nothing Changes

If we frame political questions in terms of whether or not we can like each other or the ones we claim to fight for, and whether or not we’re being really, really nice to each other, our struggles are doomed and, frankly, we deserve to lose.

Capitalism, Class, Inequality Feminism On Books and Publishing Politics Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

Bourgeois Feminist Bullshit: The Rebecca Traister View of Gender and the World

Single status is now no longer a blight upon the land but a set of Very Useful Functions that keep the economy running smoothly.

Capitalism, Class, Inequality Feminism Politics Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

Should You March Against Trump?

To put it bluntly: Everything you are marching to prevent, dear marchers, has already come to pass.

Capitalism, Class, Inequality On Books and Publishing

Killing You Softly with Her Dreams: Arianna Huffington’s War on Sleep

“I cried to dream again.”

Caliban, The Tempest

Capitalism, Class, Inequality Gay Marriage Politics Queer Politics, Culture, and History Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

Rights Make Might: The Dystopian Undertow of Hillary Clinton’s Elite Feminism

Liberal feminism is, by and large, also a carceral feminism: wedded to the idea that the only way to protect and preserve the rights of women is to turn to the prison–industrial complex as the final enforcer of gender justice.

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Capitalism, Class, Inequality Politics

The World Will Still Need Your Attention: Beyond the 2016 Election

“At the end of the day, I still maintain I am ungovernable no matter who is elected, and that my dreams will never fit into a ballot box.”

Capitalism, Class, Inequality Feminism Gay Marriage Politics Queer Politics, Culture, and History

Choose Your Elite: Edith Windsor, Hillary Clinton, or Donald Trump

Excerpt: Only the privileged get to jump on lifeboats to safety leaving everyone else to drown in seas of debt and poverty.