All that and James Franco!

It’s always a delight for me to appear on The Nostalgia Trap, the podcast hosted by historian and left critic David Parsons. For Episode 191, we decided to watch and discuss Rise of the Planet of the Apes, and the result was a conversation that was both indepth and wide-ranging. Here’s the description of the episode, from Twitter:
This week @NairYasmin and @davidlparsons watch the film Rise of the Planet of the Apes, leading to a conversation about prison abolition, mental illness, animal rights, environmentalism, the tactical elements of revolution and, of course, the cancellation of James Franco.
All that and James Franco! I love talking about film and culture with David, who’s one of the few on the left who shares my enthusiasm for cultural production without all the silly, fiddly grousing that most lefties have about what they consider inferior (because, popular) artforms. As I’ve said frequently, we need to take all forms of culture seriously if we’re to understand how to build real left alternatives.
But more on that anon. Here’s the episode, and thanks for listening. Please support The Nostalgia Trap, where I’ve appeared often.
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