Feminism On Books and Publishing Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

The Feminist Utopia Project Isn’t Utopian Just Yet

The problem here is that greed is situated as an emotional and cultural value, rather than as what it is: a structural component of capitalism.

I published a review of The Feminist Utopia Project: Fifty-Seven Visions of a Wildly Better Future in In These Times.

An excerpt:

The truth, of course, is that your abuela may have secretly hated the hours she had to spend embroidering, and would have preferred to leave home for paid work. Your grandfather might long to travel the world but, instead, now has to spend the remainder of his life wiping bums and making dinner, subsisting on the meager allowance doled out by your parents who make it seem like it’s a privilege for him to work for them. And your neighbor down the street has better things to do with her time, like fucking her lover or organizing actions, than taking care of your children.

You can read the rest here. Contact me for a pdf if you can’t access it.