On Books and Publishing

Blas Falconer’s A Question of Gravity and Light

A poet who’s precise without being sterile and weighty without being burdensome.

A Question of Gravity and Light
Feminism On Books and Publishing Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

Ready AND This Common Secret

Excerpt: The ability to reproduce and the ability to cease reproduction are mired in a complex entanglement of access and privilege.

On Books and Publishing

Sarah LeVine’s The Saint of Kathmandu: And Other Tales of the Sacred in Distant Lands

But faith is formed by politics and history, and we sacrifice real political change when we render it in ahistorical terms. 

Gay Marriage On Books and Publishing

Nancy Polikoff’s Beyond (Straight and Gay) Marriage: Valuing All Families under the Law

Polikoff shows why it’s necessary to separate marriage from the state’s responsibilities.

Beyond (Straight and Gay) Marriage: Valuing All Families under the Law (Queer Ideas/Queer Action Book 3) by [Polikoff, Nancy D., Bronski, Michael]
Feminism Prison industrial complex Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

Rape: The T-Shirt

Excerpt: We have privatized victimhood and are now privatizing criminalization.

Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

Thomas Beatie’s pregnancy: What does it change?

The language of miracle-creation also obfuscates the embodied realities that face transgender people and/or people who raise children.

Chicago Chronicles On Books and Publishing Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

Sin in the Second City

“Kindly tell, for me, all the psalm-singers to go to hell and stick the clergymen in an ash-can.”

On Books and Publishing

Jhumpa Lahiri’s Unaccustomed Earth

It’s like an episode of Friends, only sadder.

On Books and Publishing

Having a “Fall”: Interview with Christopher Rice

“I think that’s certainly something that can be said about the Iraq War: We are over there trying to save people who didn’t ask us to be there and who didn’t want to be saved by us. And that’s something he’s attuned to, and something a lot of military people are attuned to.”

On Books and Publishing

Christopher Rice’s Blind Fall

Blind Fall stumbles from the burden of having to be a novel about gay issues, rather than the more satisfying thriller it could have been.

Blind Fall: A Novel by [Rice, Christopher]