Film, Art, Television, and Media Queer Politics, Culture, and History Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality Reporting

Lesbian fundraiser focuses on global crises

Climbing PoeTree, a two-member spoken word group, was in Chicago performing its latest piece, “Hurricane Season: The Hidden Messages in Water.” The first performance was at Columbia College, the second at the Center on Halsted (COH).

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Chicago Chronicles On Books and Publishing Reporting

Banned books to take center stage

Since 1982, the American Library Association (ALA) has been hosting a Banned Books Week during the last week of September.  The week begins with “Read Out!” featuring several authors and celebrities reading from their favorite banned books.

On Books and Publishing

Susan Hahn takes “Note”

“It’s about somebody trying to get some answers as to why things are why they are.  But nothing seems to quite work.”

Image result for susan hahn the note she left
Chicago Chronicles Queer Politics, Culture, and History Reporting

Hill means a Lott to Columbia’s Critical Encounters

TPAN (Test Positive Action Network) celebrates its 21st anniversary this year.  To mark the occasion, it will honor 21 organizations and individuals “who have made outstanding contributions to TPAN and to the HIV/AIDS community,” according to its press release about the event, called “Aware Affair: Superheroes.” Among those named “superheroes” is Columbia College Chicago, for its “leadership and dedication.”  Specifically, the institution is being recognized for its AIDS-focused theme during the initial year of the Critical Encounters learning initiative.

On Books and Publishing

Gabriella Turnaturi’s Betrayals: The Unpredictability of Human Relations

As anyone who’s been involved with involved people will tell you, the possibility of betrayal is sometimes the only thing that keeps a relationship going, whether between the betrayers or between spouses and partners.

Capitalism, Class, Inequality Feminism Politics Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

Barefoot and Pregnant in the White House: Sarah and Bristol Palin

Let’s not forget that a woman’s right to have an abortion has everything to do with citizenship and power and can’t be dismissed as irrelevant.

Back of the Bus
Chicago Chronicles Queer Politics, Culture, and History Reporting

LGBTI Health Summit looks at Obama’s LGBT health record

The LGBTI Health Summit came in the thick of very intense national conversations around health care, especially at various Town Halls across the country.  Despite the national spotlight on an issue that clearly has the attention of more than the approximately 50 million uninsured, the gay community’s response to the health crisis has been relatively muted.

Chicago Chronicles Queer Politics, Culture, and History Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

James Dobson and the National Radio Hall of Fame

Why pretend that judgments about the value of someone’s work are strictly apolitical and impartial?

Rich Wilson
On Books and Publishing

Ruth Perkinson’s Piper’s Someday

The figures of the lower class like, Victor and Clover, are pitted against lesbians and gays who are, it seems, uniformly heroic and literate and kind. 

Piper's Someday by [Perkinson, Ruth]
Chicago Chronicles Queer Politics, Culture, and History Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality Reporting

Minority workshop focuses on LGBTQ families

LGBTQ families are frequently non-normative, and not just because they’re headed by queer people.  Queer families may consist of single women raising children with sperm donors who maintains links with their offspring.  Two men might raise children together even after breaking up.