Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

The Difference between Black and White Guilt

Academia Capitalism, Class, Inequality Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

Rachel Dolezal and the Materiality of Race

The materiality of race, even as it operates as a legal fiction in several instances, functions to exclude, stigmatise, wound, and break, in a literal sense, as the past many months have shown.

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Film, Art, Television, and Media Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

Emma Sulkowicz’s Rape Video: Some Thoughts

It also reflects the cultural identity of an art world that can no longer afford to take any real risks.  

Chicago Chronicles Queer Politics, Culture, and History Reporting

Jim Oleson, partner of historian John D’Emilio, dies

Jim Oleson, 77, a longtime Chicago resident and partner of gay historian John D’Emilio, died at their home on April 4, surrounded by loved ones. He had severely weakened lungs and heart, and had recently begun home hospice care.

Chicago Chronicles Politics

Rahm, Chuy, and the Real Problem with Chicago Politics

Is it really possible to dismantle the power of the mayor of Chicago by constantly looking for someone to occupy the office?

Academia Animals Capitalism, Class, Inequality Labour On Books and Publishing Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

Working Skin: Joseph Hankins Writes about Leather, Japan’s Buraku People, and Global Circuits of Identity Formation

“This is an attempt to trace the conditions that reproduce the logic of the suffering/savage slot, even as I position my own work within those conditions.”

Film, Art, Television, and Media

Don’t Let Sean Penn’s Joke Distract You From All That Other White People Stuff At the Oscars

When it comes to internet squalls, we continue, endlessly, to take our aim at easy and often misplaced targets.

Film, Art, Television, and Media

Ronan Farrow Bites the Dust, But Media Myths Continue

At the heart of the Farrow hiring was and is the biggest lie both media and consumers like to hold up: that what matters most is not substance or talent, but the ability to attract attention.

Prison industrial complex Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

Justice for an Indian Grandpa, None for Black Bodies, and Affect and Questions Abound

The violence of exclusion practiced by immigrants whose biggest fear is that they might be identified as Black.

On Books and Publishing

Harper Lee Announces a Second Book, And Conspiracy Theories Break Loose

It makes sense that Lee never produced another book.  Who could, with such a weight on their shoulders?