
Update: July 20

Hello, hello, hello! 

This past fortnight, I’ve been working on some old and some new work. One problem with working on a piece for too long is that the discourse around the topic changes a fair bit over the time that you work on it, and you end up sometimes tearing your hair and thinking, “But I have to read and incorporate everything that’s been said about this since x time.”  I was calmed down by a friend and should have that done, and be able to announce it soon. 

I’ve also been working on—I can finally be more public about it—writing fiction.  It’s a new experience for me, and I’m thoroughly enjoying it.  I never thought I’d be a fiction writer, and when I began this endeavour I really thought I’d write in a more elaborate style, given that my favourite writers include Charles Dickens and Charlotte Brontë. I’m surprised that I seem to be much more spare in my writing. I have excellent editors to work with so that’s a huge help, and I’m loving the ability to create an entire world and characters.  More on that later. 

This past fortnight, I wrote two new pieces. I thought I’d write a third as well, on the Netflix show Never Have I Ever, but a piece on “Cat Person,” the New Yorker story that keeps returning and demanding our attention turned out to be longer than I thought it would be (story of my writing life).  I’ll have the NHIE piece done this week, so feel free to check in on the website to look for that. 


I neglected to post this one last time: I was on Radio Free Berkshires with Steve Dew and  Steve Dew and Jason Velázquez for the weekly live radio show, “The Left Hook.”

 You can listen here


I wrote about immigration as DACA came under threat yet again. Here’s “DACA Was Always DOA.  Let’s End It Now.”

And will we ever be rid of “Cat Person?”  I wrote “‘Cat Person’ Will Never Die.”  The piece is graced by my sweet, lovely, beloved and dearly missed Frida. 


Here are the pieces from the archive I posted this last fortnight. 

Death by Celebrity: Anthony Bourdain, Kate Spade, and the Lives We Flee.”

On Graduation.”

Rights Make Might: The Dystopian Undertow of Hillary Clinton’s Elite Feminism.”

Brian Bouldrey’s Honorable Bandit: A Walk across Corsica.

Abortive Reasoning: What’s Wrong with the Abortion Rights Debate.”

A Better Son or Daughter: Donald Trump, Amnesia, and a Capitalist Fable.”

Racism and the American Pit Bull.

The Dangerous Academic Is an Extinct Species.”

The Same-Sex Marriage Trap.”

Till the next,


Image: Anna Billing, Summer Meadow, 1895