Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality Updates Yasmin's Media Appearances

A Plan A Podcast on Celebrity, Adoption and Power

Capitalism, Class, Inequality Politics Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

Adoption and the Burden of Whiteness

Excerpt: The problems facing adoptees of colour and white adoptees are different in many ways but no matter their colour, adoptees inevitably face the burdens of race.

Capitalism, Class, Inequality Feminism Politics Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

AOC and the Weaponisation of Trauma

Excerpt: It is a particular irony of the times we live in that a woman of colour helps to suspend any ongoing awareness of the deathliness of American history by retelling her personal trauma. 

Academia Feminism Film, Art, Television, and Media Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

Domesticus Scientifica: Or, How Temperance Brennan Lost Her Mind And Became a Woman

Excerpt: It’s all a bit like going to Thanksgiving at your nicely progressive cousin’s house and finding yourself seated next to Josef Mengele.

Feminism Queer Politics, Culture, and History Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

Her Name Was Norma

With her, all our pasts — the queer one, the feminist one, and the ostensibly straight one — become infinitely more complicated, and infinitely richer. 

Film, Art, Television, and Media Queer Politics, Culture, and History Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

Anal Sex and Its Discontents: Emma Sulkowicz, Lawrence v. Texas, and the Histories of a Sex Act

Excerpt: It’s not that anal sex disrupts capitalism… but that it symbolises the dichotomy between public and private which also characterises the accumulation of capital.

Feminism Film, Art, Television, and Media Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

Adopting Difference: Race, Sex, and the Archaeology of Power in the Farrow-Allen Case

Taking all these intertwining histories into account reveals an archaeology of power. This is not just a history of Farrow’s life, but a cultural history of the link between celebrity, adoption, and the idealisation of the nation-state.

Originally published May 3, 2014

British Painting - British 19th Century, Portrait Of An Unknown Family by Quint Lox
Queer Politics, Culture, and History Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

On Desire

Excerpt: Most of all, terms like “sapiosexual” and “demisexual” seek to make stable and coherent and legible and understandable a part of our lives that is simply not something we can easily contain: Desire.

Film, Art, Television, and Media Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

On Caroline Calloway and Whole Foods

Excerpt: We have always been defined by our thingness, our places in different economies, different kinds of circulation of value. We’ve only just learned how to make our thingnesses visible to each other. 

Capitalism, Class, Inequality Chicago Chronicles Film, Art, Television, and Media Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

MAGA Country: Streeterville and the Jussie Smollett Story

The city of Chicago is central to this story, but it has been ignored in all the coverage.