A Sebastian, Fla., teenager is being charged with a crime that could potentially place her on the state’s sex offender registry. At the same time, some publicly disseminated statements about her case appear to be inaccurate.
Category: Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality
“The people who are going to benefit the most from gay marriage will be the ones who already have the resources.”
I was part of a roundtable discussion on what it means to get “Beyond Gay Marriage” in In These Times. Many thanks to Rebecca Burns for initiating this.
An excerpt:
It is probably true that hate crimes legislation and anti-bullying laws in Washington are connected to gay marriage—but that is exactly the problem. Marriage solidifies the idea that the “inclusion” of LGBT people is the solution, and it has been accompanied by a push for inclusion in the military and in hate crimes and anti-bullying legislation. But this ignores the fundamental inequality perpetuated by these institutions—marriage, the military, the criminal justice system. Hate crimes and anti-bullying legislation are punitive measures that will drive the prison-industrial complex and the school-to-prison pipeline.
You can read the rest here. Contact me if you need a pdf.