Capitalism, Class, Inequality Feminism Gay Marriage Queer Politics, Culture, and History Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality Yasmin's Media Appearances

“The Political Is Political”: I’m Profiled in Salvage

“But, as compelling and scandalising as her campaigning around gay marriage with Against Equality is, it is far from the only place she’s causing a stir.”

Yasmin's Media Appearances

Part TWO of My Interview with Hypocrite Reader: The Ideal Neoliberal Subject is the Subject of Trauma: Part TWO of My Inteview with Hypocrite Reader

When we talk about rape culture, we erase all those differences, and we make it very difficult, we make it impossible, to really think about what engenders rape.

Yasmin's Media Appearances

There’s No Rescuing the Concept of Equality: Part ONE of My Interview with Hypocrite Reader

“I am not interested at all in the idea of queer being somehow better than or more politically recalcitrant or engaged or more radical than anything else.”

Yasmin's Media Appearances

“Scabs” Is Mentioned in The Nation’s Julia Wong Column

Yasmin's Media Appearances

Corey Robin’s Generous Shout-Out to Me

Yasmin's Media Appearances

I’m on This List – And Not Blacklisted, for a Change!

Yasmin's Media Appearances

KPFA Interview with Me/Against Equality

Queer Politics, Culture, and History Yasmin's Media Appearances

I’m Profiled by Nico Lang on WBEZ’s Blog

“We often believe that queerness resists neoliberalism, and it really doesn’t.”

Immigration Yasmin's Media Appearances

Radio Interview with Karma Chávez on Wisconsin Public Radio, WORT

I recently did an interview with my friend, collaborator, and fellow Against Equality collective member Dr.Karma Chávez on Wisconsin Public Radio, WORT (89.9 fm), out of Madison.  We talked about my piece, “Undocumented vs. Illegal: A Distinction without a Difference,” and related matters. 

You can listen to it here.  

Queer Politics, Culture, and History Yasmin's Media Appearances

Radio Interview with Doug Henwood about Against Equality’s “Prisons Will Not Protect You”

Against Equality