Capitalism, Class, Inequality Chicago Chronicles Labour Politics Queer Politics, Culture, and History Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

Bitches of Capitalism: My Speech on International Working Women’s Day, March 8

I was invited by the Chicago Socialist Party to speak about and on International Working Women’s Day, March 8. My thanks to all the organisers, and to the many amazing people who showed up — and stayed — through all my words and those of my co-presenters, Tobita Chow, Erica Nanton, Red Schulte, Zerlina Smith, and Rehmah Sufi.* You can watch a video here; below is the text of the speech.

Capitalism, Class, Inequality Labour Politics

Saints Alive!: The Left Wags Its Finger, And Nothing Changes

Capitalism, Class, Inequality Labour

How to Be Poor

Excerpt: When we berate the poor for their “waste” or, for that matter, the rich for their “excess,” we are simply engaging in personalised narratives that do nothing to explain or even reveal the larger systems of power at work.

Academia Animals Capitalism, Class, Inequality Labour On Books and Publishing Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

Working Skin: Joseph Hankins Writes about Leather, Japan’s Buraku People, and Global Circuits of Identity Formation

“This is an attempt to trace the conditions that reproduce the logic of the suffering/savage slot, even as I position my own work within those conditions.”

Academia Labour

Solidarity without Affect: The MLA Subconference Enters Its Second Year

“Our struggle needs to be understood as capable of generating material and theoretical gains for us all, not less for the few through a misguided ‘race to the top.'”

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Academia Capitalism, Class, Inequality Labour

“Class Shock: Affect, Mobility, and the Adjunct Crisis”: New Piece in Contrivers’ Review

Class Shock: the feeling of inadequacy and anger that arises when one’s class aspirations have been trampled underfoot.

Image result for medieval paintings of universities"
Immigration Labour

“Undocumented”: How an Identity Ended a Movement

Excerpt: Capital and capitalism flow unimpeded through the body of the “Undocumented and Unafraid” immigrant figure, whose only purpose is to solidify the presence of a benevolent neoliberal state through a litany of affective narratives.

The Immigrants' Ship

Capitalism, Class, Inequality Labour

Nonprofit Housing: The Soup Kitchen Approach to “Social Justice”

“Why does a willingness to accept lower wages (much lower wages than for-profits) seem to be an indicator or qualification for one’s job in the nonprofit sector?”

Academia Capitalism, Class, Inequality Film, Art, Television, and Media Labour On Books and Publishing

On Writers as Scabs, Whores, and Interns, And the Jacobin Problem

Left publishing will increasingly be filled with lots of timid writing that doesn’t require the hard skills that experienced writers might bring to their work.

Capitalism, Class, Inequality Labour

The Rise of the Nouveau Frugalese Or, Why Those Cups of Coffee Won’t Amount to a Hill of Beans

”I don’t need frugality; I need a job, and health care, and rent money.”

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