Stop buying this bullshit, people, and start asking the hard questions.
Category: Immigration
I recently did an interview with my friend, collaborator, and fellow Against Equality collective member Dr.Karma Chávez on Wisconsin Public Radio, WORT (89.9 fm), out of Madison. We talked about my piece, “Undocumented vs. Illegal: A Distinction without a Difference,” and related matters.
You can listen to it here.
Election 2012: Eyes Wide Shut
Breaking News
Originally published in Windy City Times, April 15, 2011
The National Immigrant Justice Center (NIJC), a project of the Heartland Alliance, recently released a mass civil rights complaint about the “abuse and mistreatment” of thirteen immigrant detainees in the custody of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The complaint was filed with the DHS’s Office of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties and Office of Inspector General on April 13.