Chicago Chronicles Politics Queer Politics, Culture, and History

Interview with Mike Quigley, Cook County Commissioner, while running for Rahm Emanuel’s Congressional seat

Cook County Commissioner Mike Quigley is one of the many candidates running for Rahm Emmanuel’s seat in Congress.  He recently spoke to Windy City Times about his views on gay marriage, hate crimes legislation, the environment (one of his pet issues) and his thoughts about a school for LGBTQ youth.

Capitalism, Class, Inequality Film, Art, Television, and Media Gay Marriage Politics Queer Politics, Culture, and History

And the Winner Is…Gay Marriage! Or: Why Milk and Sean Penn’s Acceptance Speech Don’t Equal the Need for Gay Marriage

The point is not whether Milk would have wanted to marry Smith.  The point is that he lived in circumstances where it was possible for an openly gay and unmarried man to leave death benefits to his surviving partner.

Chicago Chronicles Politics Reporting

Interview with John Fritchey

Democrat John Fritchey is currently the 11th District State Representative.  He’s also among the many candidates seeking to fill Rahm Emanuel’s recently vacated seat in Illinois’s Fifth Congressional District.  Fritchey has a reputation as a progressive and is backed by a number of labor unions.  He spoke to Windy City Times about his views on gay marriage, DADT, hate crimes legislation and his stand on labor-related issues.  The primary will take place on March 3 and the general election on April 7.

Gay Marriage Hate Crime Legislation Politics Prison industrial complex Queer Politics, Culture, and History

Equal Campaign to Create a New Secretary of GLBT Affairs. Or, How To Silence Queers and Still Love the Idea

As for DADT, I’m not sure how you can be anti-war and anti-Republican war-mongering and also want to wage war.

Gay Marriage Politics Queer Politics, Culture, and History

Why the HELL Are Gays So Excited about Religion?

It’s difficult to make any critique of marriage, gay or straight, in an environment where marriage is seen as the only and most natural form of “rights.”

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Gay Marriage Politics Queer Politics, Culture, and History Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

Is Homosexuality Genetic or Chosen? Does That Matter?

Your gay union card, the grey metallic one, with an embossed pink triangle?  Shredded.

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Gay Marriage Politics Queer Politics, Culture, and History Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

Let’s Change the Paradigms of Gay Organising

Why are we fighting for the specious rights granted by an outmoded institution?

Reclaim the shame
Capitalism, Class, Inequality Politics

Class in Drag or Who’s Middle Class Anyway?: Sarah Palin, Joe Sixpack, and Main Street

But even more fascinating to me is the extent to which we hold on to the idea that we’re all just part of a struggling middle class, despite mounting evidence that a lot of us are just plain poor. 

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Capitalism, Class, Inequality Feminism Politics Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

Barefoot and Pregnant in the White House: Sarah and Bristol Palin

Let’s not forget that a woman’s right to have an abortion has everything to do with citizenship and power and can’t be dismissed as irrelevant.

Back of the Bus
Politics Queer Politics, Culture, and History

Larry Craig, Weapons of Mass Distraction, and Lesbian Public Sex

We are being screwed, my friends, and not in a good way.

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