Categories Gay Marriage Politics Queer Politics, Culture, and History Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality Is Homosexuality Genetic or Chosen? Does That Matter? Post author By Yasmin Nair Post date November 15, 2008 Your gay union card, the grey metallic one, with an embossed pink triangle? Shredded. Continue reading “Is Homosexuality Genetic or Chosen? Does That Matter?”
Categories Gay Marriage Politics Queer Politics, Culture, and History Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality Let’s Change the Paradigms of Gay Organising Post author By Yasmin Nair Post date November 8, 2008 Why are we fighting for the specious rights granted by an outmoded institution? Continue reading “Let’s Change the Paradigms of Gay Organising”
Categories Capitalism, Class, Inequality Politics Who’s Middle Class Anyway?: Sarah Palin, Joe Sixpack, and Main Street Post author By Yasmin Nair Post date October 5, 2008 Excerpt: But even more fascinating to me is the extent to which we hold on to the idea that we’re all just part of a struggling middle class, despite mounting evidence that a lot of us are just plain poor. Continue reading “Who’s Middle Class Anyway?: Sarah Palin, Joe Sixpack, and Main Street”
Categories Capitalism, Class, Inequality Feminism Politics Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality Barefoot and Pregnant in the White House: Sarah and Bristol Palin Post author By Yasmin Nair Post date September 3, 2008 Let’s not forget that a woman’s right to have an abortion has everything to do with citizenship and power and can’t be dismissed as irrelevant. Continue reading “Barefoot and Pregnant in the White House: Sarah and Bristol Palin”
Categories Politics Queer Politics, Culture, and History Larry Craig, Weapons of Mass Distraction, and Lesbian Public Sex Post author By Yasmin Nair Post date September 5, 2007 We are being screwed, my friends, and not in a good way. Continue reading “Larry Craig, Weapons of Mass Distraction, and Lesbian Public Sex”