Capitalism, Class, Inequality Chicago Chronicles

On the Obamas as Nouveaux Riches

Excerpt: Who among us, including landed gentry and nobility with four-hundred-year-old castles, are not always already nouveaux in our riches? 

Capitalism, Class, Inequality Chicago Chronicles Politics

Obama’s Birthday Bash Is For Neoliberal Elites

Excerpt: As the first neoliberal president, the first such to think about himself as not merely a public figure but as an economic entity, Obama needed to monetise his legacy and make himself a desirable commodity that could in turn create an empire of wealth and influence for the elites he had cultivated over his eight years. 

Capitalism, Class, Inequality Pandemic

Stop Blaming the Unvaccinated

Excerpt: If we really want to control this pandemic, we need to think of broad systemic changes which involve more vaccinations, yes, but also ways of actually taking care of everyone, including those infected and unvaccinated. 

Capitalism, Class, Inequality Film, Art, Television, and Media Labour Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

Granny Labour in Never Have I Ever

Excerpt: Never Have I Ever normalises her uprooting and her labour …and casts all of it as benign, adorable, and part of the fabric of Indian American life.

Capitalism, Class, Inequality Gay Marriage Hate Crime Legislation Prison industrial complex Queer Politics, Culture, and History Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

On Kink at Pride

Excerpt: The really radical act is to question the idea that any sexual act is somehow in itself transgressive.

Capitalism, Class, Inequality Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

Jolene, Jolene, Jolene: On Blackness in Queen’s Gambit

Excerpt: But what if a more nuanced portrayal of their relationship, one that acknowledged that initial shock, existed? 

Capitalism, Class, Inequality On Books and Publishing

The Publishing World Is Like Fyre Fest

Excerpt: It’s a lifestyle many writers yearn for: unhurried, complacent, lots of manufactured insouciance, and lots of money to write about it all. 

Capitalism, Class, Inequality Politics Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

Adoption and the Burden of Whiteness

Excerpt: The problems facing adoptees of colour and white adoptees are different in many ways but no matter their colour, adoptees inevitably face the burdens of race.

Capitalism, Class, Inequality Chicago Chronicles Hate Crime Legislation

On Adam Toledo As A Child

How different would our responses be if Toledo had been an adult facing the police and dropping the gun in exactly the same situation?

Capitalism, Class, Inequality Chicago Chronicles Pandemic

On Guilt and Vaccinations

Guilt?  We have no time for it.