Academia Capitalism, Class, Inequality Labour

“Class Shock: Affect, Mobility, and the Adjunct Crisis”: New Piece in Contrivers’ Review

Class Shock: the feeling of inadequacy and anger that arises when one’s class aspirations have been trampled underfoot.

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Capitalism, Class, Inequality

On Cravings, Illness, and Chana Masala

I’ll be the first to admit that chana masala, like good or even decent pound cake, is best made from scratch but there’s a time and place for that, and a time and place for simply throwing everything into a pot and crossing your fingers that you end up with something edible. 

Capitalism, Class, Inequality Feminism On Books and Publishing Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

My Review of Sex Workers Unite!

The history of urban centers is, in palpable ways, the history of their sex workers.

Sex Workers Unite: A History of the Movement from Stonewall to SlutWalk by [Chateauvert, Melinda]
Capitalism, Class, Inequality Feminism Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

Feminism Beyond the Hashtag, Or, Follow the Money

At the end of the day, nothing is about feminism if it isn’t also about dismantling the exploitation of capitalism.

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Capitalism, Class, Inequality Labour

Nonprofit Housing: The Soup Kitchen Approach to “Social Justice”

“Why does a willingness to accept lower wages (much lower wages than for-profits) seem to be an indicator or qualification for one’s job in the nonprofit sector?”

Academia Capitalism, Class, Inequality Film, Art, Television, and Media Labour On Books and Publishing

On Writers as Scabs, Whores, and Interns, And the Jacobin Problem

Left publishing will increasingly be filled with lots of timid writing that doesn’t require the hard skills that experienced writers might bring to their work.

Capitalism, Class, Inequality Feminism Queer Politics, Culture, and History Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

Confession, Neoliberalism, and The Big Reveal

No tragic dramas? Make them up! But, always: Confess and Reveal.

Animals Capitalism, Class, Inequality On Books and Publishing

Review of Trash Animals

What makes a trash animal? 

Capitalism, Class, Inequality On Books and Publishing Queer Politics, Culture, and History Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

Margot Weiss talks BDSM and sexuality

“I’ll leave this with Patrick Califia’s words: ‘I do not believe that we can fuck our way to freedom.'”

Capitalism, Class, Inequality Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

Why Is America Turning to Shit?

Excerpt: If we are to truly reimagine the place of shit in our lives, we need to consider the harsh realities of who gets to shit in peace, and who gets to clean it up afterwards.