On Books and Publishing Queer Politics, Culture, and History

Two Pieces on Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore

“We were the beginning of the end and we didn’t know what to do because we’d just found the beginning.”

Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore
On Books and Publishing Queer Politics, Culture, and History

Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore talks Faggotry, San Francisco

“With this book, I want to reimagine memoir as an active process of remembering, an investigation, an instigation—stylistically and structurally, as well as politically and intimately.

Why Are Faggots So Afraid of Faggots?: Flaming Challenges to Masculinity, Objectification, and the Desire to Conform by [Sycamore, Mattilda Bernstein]
On Books and Publishing Queer Politics, Culture, and History

Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore’s The End of San Francisco

“We were the beginning of the end and we didn’t know what to do because we’d just found the beginning.”

Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore 280606.jpg
Chicago Chronicles On Books and Publishing Queer Politics, Culture, and History Reporting

Sukie de la Croix’s Chicago Whispers book now available

St. Sukie de la Croix has been a Chicago fixture since the English native moved to this city in1991. He is a former writer for Windy City Times, has been a reporter and columnist for several publications, and is often seen at LGBTQ events, recording people and speeches with his camera and notebook. He currently writes for ChicagoPride.

On Books and Publishing Queer Politics, Culture, and History Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality Reporting

Bayard Rustin: A complex legacy

The gay civil-rights activist Bayard Rustin was born a hundred years ago, on March 17, 1912. Considered the key organizer of the historical 1963 March on Washington, Rustin was involved in movements for racial and economic justice till his death in 1987. Yet, he is relatively unknown today and often deliberately stayed in the background, in large part because public knowledge about his identity as a gay man added to his vulnerability as an outspoken civil-rights activist.

On Books and Publishing Queer Politics, Culture, and History

Interview with John D’Emilio about Allan Bérubé’s “My Desire for History”

My Desire for History
On Books and Publishing Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

Bright Life, Big Sex: The Susie Bright Interview

“I get very excited about the international sex worker organizations, who will not let these positions go uncommented upon, who speak a little truth to the power.”

On Books and Publishing Prison industrial complex Queer Politics, Culture, and History

Queer (In)Justice: The Criminalization of LGBT People in the United States

It persuasively argues that innocence is a shifting category, contingent on visible markers of race and class privilege.

Queer (In)Justice
Feminism On Books and Publishing

Review: Peggy Orenstein’s Cinderalla Ate My Daughter

Capitalism, Class, Inequality Film, Art, Television, and Media On Books and Publishing Queer Politics, Culture, and History Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

Make Art! Change the World! Starve!: The Fallacy of Art as Social Justice – Part I

Excerpt: For the most part, arts and social justice funding is infused with the aura of nobility, combining the portrait of the penniless but determined artist with the desire and drive to change the world.