On Books and Publishing

Jhumpa Lahiri’s Unaccustomed Earth

It’s like an episode of Friends, only sadder.

On Books and Publishing

Having a “Fall”: Interview with Christopher Rice

“I think that’s certainly something that can be said about the Iraq War: We are over there trying to save people who didn’t ask us to be there and who didn’t want to be saved by us. And that’s something he’s attuned to, and something a lot of military people are attuned to.”

On Books and Publishing

Christopher Rice’s Blind Fall

Blind Fall stumbles from the burden of having to be a novel about gay issues, rather than the more satisfying thriller it could have been.

Blind Fall: A Novel by [Rice, Christopher]
On Books and Publishing

D’Emilio Marks Anniversary

Film, Art, Television, and Media On Books and Publishing

Kevin Barnhurst’s Media Queered: Visibility and Its Discontents

We have queered capitalism, and are paying the price. 

On Books and Publishing

The Revolution Will Not Be Funded: Beyond the Non-Profit Industrial Complex

Surely, whatever else ails radical organizing: it’s not a dearth of coupledom or maternal feeling. 

Paperback The Revolution Will Not Be Funded : Beyond the Non-Profit Industrial Complex Book
On Books and Publishing Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

Bob Smith’s Selfish & Perverse

“What had me worried was that I was an artsy, thirty-four-year-old man who needed to confront whether I was really talented or just gay.”

On Books and Publishing

Review: Sara Paretsky’s Bleeding Kansas

Feminism On Books and Publishing Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

Jean Thompson’s Throw Like a Girl

“It seemed you ought to be able to aim desire like a lens, and pass your longing straight through it.  Maybe I was simply out of range.”

Capitalism, Class, Inequality On Books and Publishing

Christopher Lane’s Shyness: How Normal Behavior Became a Sickness

Excerpt: We have since attempted to scrub ourselves clean of the unconscious.