Capitalism, Class, Inequality Gay Marriage On Books and Publishing Queer Politics, Culture, and History Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

Gay dollars, labor and boycotts

For Eric Stanley, economic boycotts “uphold the free market myth of capitalism in ‘non-boycott’ times.”

On Books and Publishing Queer Politics, Culture, and History Race, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

Books about AIDS

“There’s no community around Black women with HIV and AIDS.”

The Day I Stopped Being Pretty by [Lofton, Rodney]
On Books and Publishing

Louis Bayard’s The Black Tower

Bayard’s recreation of 1818 Paris is devoid of sentimentality. 

The Black Tower
Chicago Chronicles On Books and Publishing Reporting

Diverse books part of read-out

The American Library Association (ALA) marked its 27th Annual Banned Books Week.  Among the events was a read-out during which authors and Chicago Tribune columnists like Dawn Turner Trice read selections from their favorite banned or challenged books.

Chicago Chronicles On Books and Publishing Reporting

Banned books to take center stage

Since 1982, the American Library Association (ALA) has been hosting a Banned Books Week during the last week of September.  The week begins with “Read Out!” featuring several authors and celebrities reading from their favorite banned books.

On Books and Publishing

Susan Hahn takes “Note”

“It’s about somebody trying to get some answers as to why things are why they are.  But nothing seems to quite work.”

Image result for susan hahn the note she left
On Books and Publishing

Gabriella Turnaturi’s Betrayals: The Unpredictability of Human Relations

As anyone who’s been involved with involved people will tell you, the possibility of betrayal is sometimes the only thing that keeps a relationship going, whether between the betrayers or between spouses and partners.

On Books and Publishing

Ruth Perkinson’s Piper’s Someday

The figures of the lower class like, Victor and Clover, are pitted against lesbians and gays who are, it seems, uniformly heroic and literate and kind. 

Piper's Someday by [Perkinson, Ruth]
On Books and Publishing Queer Politics, Culture, and History

Alistair McCartney’s The End of the World Book: A Novel

This is the sort of book writers might write for other writers.

On Books and Publishing Queer Politics, Culture, and History

Michael Luongo’s Gay Travels in the Muslim World

When it comes to travel, it seems that only Westerners travel ironically and self-consciously and write tales of their adventures, while Easterners merely fester in their chains.